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How To Add New House

This is a house template. Using this draft, we will watch a new one with you.

Config.Houses_Template = { 
    name = "House for sale",
    price = 5,
    coords = {      
      house_in = vector3(1,1,1),
      house_out = vector3(1,1,1),
      garage_in = vector3(1,1,1),
      garage_out = vector3(1,1,1),
      stash = vector3(1,1,1)
    owner = "",
    friends = {  },
    garage = {},
    theme = "modern",
    stars = 1,
    garage_stock = 6,
    extends = {},


Copy and paste new house data after "," and after paste dont miss ",".

  • name = You can set whatever you want
  • price = You can set whatever price you want
  • house_in = The coordinate of the front of the door of the house you want.
  • garage_in = The coordinate of the front of the garage door of the house you want.

Please do not omit commas. In case of comma errors, the script may become inoperable.